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"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything." Communist Tyrant Josef Stalin

August 15, 2000 NA (Network America) e-wire
An Urgent Strategy Appeal to Buchanan Headquarters

It should not be taken for granted what Angela “Bay” Buchanan has accomplished in this Presidential year of 2000.

As Director of the Buchanan Campaign at the National level, it is sometimes taken for granted that Pat Buchanan is on the ballot in every state (if justice prevails in the fake disputes which the Hagelin camp has provoked in several states) --- and that the Buchanan campaign prevailed over the Perot-Verney Reform Party leaderships in so many states.

The ballot process for third party candidates is so punitive – and probably costs about $2 million dollars. I’ve watched Howard Phillips and the Constitution Party go through this, and it is absolutely astounding what third party supporters must do to simply get their standard bearers on the ballot.

In fact, Ohio’s rules are about right: a Presidential candidate must get 5000 valid signatures of registered voters, and can submit up to 15,000 signatures to the Secretary of State.

No campaign is going to bumble into 5000 signatures if there isn’t mass support, at least among volunteers or donors, for the candidate. And with such threshholds, the candidates wouldn’t have to spend so much money and effort to just get to the starting gate.

I remember when we ran a slate for Cincinnati City Council in 1979 and had to get over 6,000 signatures just to get 6 candidates on the ballot. It felt like we were done running a 26 mile marathon when we had finally submitted all the signatures.

And – back to Bay Buchanan’s heroic efforts -- then there were all the details concerning the convention, all the problems related to making sure that delegates arrived in Long Beach for the convention (remember, in the major parties all the delegates get their major expenses paid for).

So there is a lot that we in the hinterlands may be taking for granted in what has been accomplished in the “Buchanan-ization” of the Reform Party. And much of the unseen credit goes to Bay Buchanan and her team.

Also, Bay’s strategy of working with Reform Party Chairman Gerry Moan and Frank Reed proved to be correct and accurate. Many of us were concerned about a last minute betrayal of the Buchanan campaign, but such fears proved to be groundless.

The rest of this e-wire is not only an urgent appeal – it is brilliant strategy for the next 60 days for the Buchanan campaign – at least according to this writer!

This strategy has already been submitted to the campaign, but we are all aware that the Buchanan national office has been consumed in securing the funds and fighting the Hagelin frauds in many of the 50 states.

So, because time is growing short, I am also putting this game plan out publicly over the Network America e-wire in the hopes that the Reform Party state parties will see clearly what their role must encompass, and will also urge Buchanan headquarters to use $1 million or so of its matching funds to organize the grassroots machine – a machine which, once contructed, will never be dismantled. If the golden opportunity to construct this grassroots force is missed, it will be an unnecessary and far reaching tragedy for the country, the Reform Party, and the Buchanan Brigades.

As soon as the Federal matching funds are transferred, the Buchanan campaign moves into uncharted waters. The national campaign office will continue the fight at that level – but it is necessary that a strong grassroots organization congeal at the local level, by precinct and county, if the “counter force” to the New World Order Ruling Elite is going to take root.

This lack of organized troops at the grassroots level has, quite frankly, been the weakness of all the third party movements in America since the 1960s. The Republicans and Democrats have “built in” grassroots operations because they control the county money and have dozens to thousands on their county government payroll – depending on the size of the county.

However, there is a weakness here for the major parties. The county employees have no loyalty to their Party bosses. They work because they get paid. They would just as willingly – perhaps more willingly – work for Reform Party or Constitution Party leadership.

It is important that this “grassroots worker” ORGANIZATION gap be filled. Pat Buchanan will make the troops want to march. The grassroots workers are there right now, even some who think they’re not going to support Buchanan.

But without organization and leadership on the state and local level, and without an appeal from the national Buchanan Campaign for WORKERS to join the Brigades in their neighborhood, and without a national clearing house number for the volunteers to CALL, and without a national clearing house OFFICE devoted exclusively to hooking up the INCOMING VOLUNTEERS with the regional leaders – then the full potential of the Buchanan campaign cannot possibly be realized in the next 60 or 70 days.

The Presidential candidate is there in Pat Buchanan. The state and regional leaders are there in the Reform Party. And the Buchanan workers are there in the country, even though many do not know that they will be supporting Buchanan.

In my judgement – what is needed to activate all this potential -- is for the Buchanan campaign to commit about $1 million of the matching funds to the grassroots effort. As explained below, this invested money would come back many times over, if the incoming volunteers are handled right. (If some large supporter or supporters can donate about $1 million in soft money to the Reform Party for this legitimate Party building activity, -- then that of course should be done -- so that the matching funds can be put into Media and campaign needs.)

How would this $1 million be used? It should be used to set up state Buchanan offices with full time staffs for the next two months. (That’s about $20,000 per state.) Another $50,000 to $100,000 should be used to set up a national clearing house whose entire job is to spend 16 hours per day (two shifts) answering calls, making calls, and answering emails --- with the purpose of hooking the INCOMING VOLUNTEERS up with the state and regional leaderships.

And what would the national, state, and local arm of this “Grassroots activation” team instruct the Buchanan Brigade volunteers at the street level to do?

The state and regional leaderships would give the volunteers THE TOOLS AND INSTRUCTIONS they need to get out the vote for their Buchanan-Foster. It’s very, very simple.

How would the state and regional leaders do this?

On the Buchanan website would be a one sided 8 ½ x 11 flyer that all the precinct people all over the country could download on their own computers or from their local library computers. (Even a person isolated in the snow drifts of remotest Alaska could get to some computer connected to the internet and download this flyer.)

After the individual Buchanan Volunteer -- in Oshkosh, or Houston, or Spokane -- downloads the Buchanan “Get out the Vote” flyer from BuchananReform.org, -- he or she takes it to Kinkos, Staples, or a local copy place, or to his or her own office -- makes 200 copies for less than $12.00 – and then passes them out in an hour or two to the voters in his or her precinct.

The flyer would have place for people to call that local person, and/or the national “volunteer” clearing house -- if they want to vote for Buchanan, so that the volunteer can help remind them to get to the polls on election day. They could also volunteer to HELP get out the vote by talking to neighbors and/or standing at the polls on election day.)

The flyer would be a letter from Pat Buchanan to the people, quickly explaining his positions and asserting that the Bush/Gore ticket is the same ticket, more or less. The letter would end explaining to the person that there are tens of thousands of individuals across the country getting out the vote for Buchanan, and that a vote for Buchanan is an invested vote, not a wasted vote. “If you want reform, vote Reform – and Buchanan can win.” (Needless to say, Pat Buchanan and Bay Buchanan need no instruction from me on how to word such a flyer, I’m just laying down what I see as the general guidelines here.)

The Buchanan campaign message on mass media ads, including electronic media, could be: “A vote for the Bush/Gore ticket is a wasted vote and a vote for the New World Order nightmare. A vote for Buchanan and the Reform Party is an investment to keep America free and sovereign for your children and grandchildren. Contact our national clearinghouse for Buchanan Brigade workers at 1-888-HelpPat (That’s not a real number right now, so don’t call it) and help us get out the vote for Pat in your neighborhood.)

Also, each such Buchanan worker could get the names and addresses of the voters in his district from their local Board of Elections for about $2 in most cases, and have a one night “pizza party” devoted to looking up phone numbers for the voters in their precinct neighborhood.

The next step is for the neighborhood volunteer to CALL or visit the voters in the neighborhood to urge them to invest their vote in Buchanan – not to waste it in the Bush-Gore ticket. That phone call should also inform the neighborhood voter that there is a nationwide “get out the vote for Buchanan” effort in progress, so each local vote will be added to million or tens of millions of others.

Any comments from the voter that “I can’t risk four more years or Gore” MUST – I said MUST – be met with a courteous but firm response: “We believe that Bush and Gore are basically the same; they are clones. We believe America’s hope is in Buchanan, and we hope you will join us.” Any wavering on this point, and you are telling the prospective voter that they should vote for Bush.

Remember, there are 50 states, about 3075 counties, and about 300,000 precincts in the USA (I think there may be more than 300,000 precincts – but that’s the number usually cited).

IF, by November 8, 2000, there are 50,000 to 200,000 Buchanan Brigade workers “getting out the vote” in their precinct (that’s about 1000 to 4000 workers per state) – then it will make it much harder for the Big TV Networks and their election computer-programming allies to suppress Buchanan’s vote, --- and it will put a pro-America TEAM on the political field of battle that will never be dismantled.

One more thing: this $1 million investment in state and precinct organization will become a permanent fund raiser for the Buchanan Campaign Team. Imagine 50,000 people – (such supporters are there right now), authorizing $2 to $100 per month to be drafted from their checking account, or credit card so that this precinct organizing can go on over the next four years so that the New World Order Duopoly can be toppled in 2004 for sure.

This still leaves $10 million for media and $2 million to run the campaign on – and that’s not counting the funds that will come in once the advertising starts. Nor is it counting any soft money that can be raised for the party building activity of precinct organization.

68 days – or whatever it is – will tick off fast from now till November 7, 2000. If you Reform Party people agree with this strategy, email it to your state leaders and to Buchanan headquarters, attention Kara (she’ll love me for this!). Call and put pressure on your state leaders and national headquarters to do this. Email them all this edition of the Network America e-wire.

I’m urging this because I know that it MUST be done if the third party movement and the Buchanan campaign are going to meet its potential. I see the need for this strategy so clearly in my mind, that I would be derelict in my duty if I were not to push for it now through all channels available.

What about the easily rigged vote count? First of all, a large grassroots get out the vote campaign will make it difficult for the Big TV Networks and the computer programmers to claim there’s no support for Buchanan.

Second of all, stay tuned. Congressional candidate Ken Lowndes (Reform Party – Michigan) is standing by and ready for duty. Perhaps there are other candidates like him.

Lowndes is going to use existing laws to “take it to” the Big TV Networks and the seditious “computerized vote” crooks like has never been done in America. He will do so through radio spots on the major talk shows in major metropolitan areas.

STAY TUNED, for heaven sakes – and get as many of your like minded friends and allies on this Network America e-wire list as fast as possible. These e-wires are going out to 900+ people as of today – and the “moment of truth” for the year 2000 Presidential sweepstakes -- is at hand.

Jim Condit Jr.
Director, Citizens for a Fair Vote Count

Citizens for a Fair Vote Count - Go to: http://www.votefraud.org
Network America - go to http://www.networkamerica.org

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RADIO SHOW ON LINE ALL THE TIME. Listen anytime to the 'Votefraud vs Honest Elections' crash course radio show over the internet at www.sightings.com in the archives, April 3rd, 2000 show, Jeff Rense host, Jim Condit Jr. guest. If the transmission breaks, reconnect to sightings.com and manually move the bar to the place in the show where the audio transmission broke

To write us with information or order by educational tapes and materials by mail, write us at Citizens for a Fair Vote Count, PO Box 11339, Cincinnati, Ohio 45211

To contact us, e-mail to: jconditjr@votefraud.org or jconditjr@networkamerica.org

Please forward our messages to friends and opinion molders, and tell them about our websites and daily e-wire communications. This information, especially in election season, offers an opportunity to de-stablize the New World Order Ruling Elite and restore honest elections with citizens checks and balances, true Freedom under God, and true Free Enterprise in America.

Let fellow citizens, opinion molders, pastors, public officials, internet news outlets, and major news media outlets know -- that we will not believe the published results of elections until transparent, verifiable, honest vote counting methods are restored, i.e., paper ballots with citizen checks and balances, with the ballot counting under the control of the neighborhood registered voters in each precinct.  

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